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  1. Funtoo Linux
  2. FL-10871

[core-kit] Write robust yet simple autogen for debian-sources and debian-sources-lts

      This is an official Funtoo development effort to re-implement and crafting a robust yet simplified autogen for the two main Linux kernel packages that Funtoo supports:

      1. sys-kernel/debian-sources
      2. sys-kernel/debian-sources-lts

      The key here is to use a methodology that deterministically derives new kernel versions from Debian upstream in a way that is robust and has a low probability of breaking the auto-generation process of core-kit (as these are some of the most critical packages) yet is simple to debug.

      As noted by drobbins in FL-10732:

      This would be a good time to re-implement the debian-sources autogen to be simpler. It became complicated due to having to query multiple debian repositories (debian has a very horrible organization for this) and then make decisions about what ebuilds to generate and mask. So it became really hard to maintain.

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            siris siris
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