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  1. Funtoo Linux
  2. FL-12259

[core-server-kit] add `cowsay` as an optional dep for `app-admin/ansible{,-core}`

    • Icon: Improvement Improvement
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • None
    • None
    • None

      Ansible can use `cowsay` to funnify its messages:

      < TASK [common : firewall - enable Shorewall at startup] > 
             \   ^__^ 
              \  (oo)\_______ 
                 (__)\       )\/\ 
                     ||----w | 
                     ||     || ```

      The above happens automagically if `cowsay` is installed.  I propose to add a `cowsay` USE flag to the `app-admin/ansible{,-core}` templates that adds `games-misc/cowsay` to `CDEPEND` if the flag is enabled.  The flag will be disabled by default.

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