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    • Resolution: Fixed
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      SMTube was not added when fixing the main issue because it depended on qtwebkit, which wasn't compiling at the time. Also, when doing that, a new patch needs to be added to SMPlayer, so that it instructs the user to use emerge to install SMTube instead of directing him to their home page.

      Now SMTube can be added, and it depends heavily on yt-dlp, which needs to be added too. Also, youtube-dl, which is no present on the tree is a dead project. That one needs to be deleted.


      drobbins One could say that we don't need a yt-dlp ebuild and I tend to agree, as we can just instruct the user to copy the "binary" from upstream directly into /usr/bin in the packages that would depend on it. I am ok with that solution.

      Now, in the case of using an autogenned ebuild, I propose we do it little different than what has been done.

      Right now, the Gentoo ebuild will pull the sources and install it as any other Python app. Also, when you install that ebuild, your yt-dlp can only be updated through Portage, when a new ebuild appears. Even using autogen, that can take hours and you might need that update to download a video right now. Because of that, I personally never had youtube-dl or yt-dlp installed through Portage.

      I propose that instead of doing that, we just use the [python] "binary" which has all the dependencies included, making it much simpler to maintain, and also will have the advantage that the user can just do "sudo yt-dlp -U" for an emergency update. Otherwise, it will be also guaranteed that within a few hours the updated version will be offered to him on the next ego sync.

      Should I go for the "binary" instead of "source"?

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