eix --in-overlay ruby-kit -c [I] app-eselect/eselect-ruby [1] (20220313@07/21/2022): Manages multiple Ruby versions [?] dev-lang/ruby [1] (2.6.10(2.6)@05/22/2022 2.7.6(2.7)@05/22/2022 3.1.2(3.1)@07/21/2022 -> 2.7.6(2.7) 3.0.4(3.0) 3.1.2(3.1)): A dynamic, interpreted, object-oriented programming language [N] dev-ruby/actioncable [1] (6.1.4(6.1)): Integrated WebSockets for Rails [N] dev-ruby/actionmailbox [1] (6.1.4(6.1)): Framework for designing email-service layers [N] dev-ruby/actionmailer [1] (6.1.4(6.1)): Framework for designing email-service layers [N] dev-ruby/actionpack [1] (6.1.4(6.1)): Eases web-request routing, handling, and response [N] dev-ruby/actiontext [1] (6.1.4(6.1)): Edit and display rich text in Rails applications [N] dev-ruby/actionview [1] (6.1.4(6.1)): Simple, battle-tested conventions and helpers for building web pages [N] dev-ruby/activejob [1] (6.1.4(6.1)): Job framework with pluggable queues [N] dev-ruby/activemodel [1] (6.1.4(6.1)): Toolkit for building modeling frameworks like Active Record and Active Resource [N] dev-ruby/activerecord [1] (6.1.4(6.1)): Implements the ActiveRecord pattern (Fowler, PoEAA) for ORM [N] dev-ruby/activestorage [1] (6.1.4(6.1)): Attach cloud and local files in Rails applications [N] dev-ruby/activesupport [1] (6.1.4(6.1)): Utility Classes and Extension to the Standard Library [I] dev-ruby/bundler [1] (2.3.18(2)@07/21/2022): Manage your Ruby application's gem dependencies [I] dev-ruby/did_you_mean [1] (1.6.1(2.6)@07/21/2022): The gem that has been saving people from typos since 2014 [I] dev-ruby/json [1] (2.6.2(2)@07/21/2022): A JSON implementation as a Ruby extension [I] dev-ruby/kpeg [1] (1.3.1(1)@07/21/2022): A simple PEG library for Ruby [N] dev-ruby/mime [1] (0.4.4): A library for building RFC compliant Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) messages. [I] dev-ruby/minitest [1] (5.16.2(5)@07/21/2022): minitest provides a complete suite of testing facilities supporting TDD, BDD, mocking, and benchmarking [I] dev-ruby/net-ftp [1] (0.1.3@07/21/2022): This class implements the File Transfer Protocol. [N] dev-ruby/net-ssh [1] (6.1.0-r1(6)): Non-interactive SSH processing in pure Ruby [I] dev-ruby/net-telnet [1] (0.2.0(1)@04/14/2022): Provides telnet client functionality. [I] dev-ruby/power_assert [1] (2.0.1@07/21/2022): Power Assert for Ruby [I] dev-ruby/psych [1] (4.0.4@07/21/2022): A libyaml wrapper for Ruby [I] dev-ruby/racc [1] (1.6.0@07/21/2022): Racc is an LALR(1) parser generator. It is written in Ruby itself, and generates ruby programs. [N] dev-ruby/rails [1] (6.1.4(6.1)): ruby on rails is a web-application and persistance framework [N] dev-ruby/railties [1] (6.1.4(6.1)): Tools for creating, working with, and running Rails applications [I] dev-ruby/rake [1] (13.0.6@07/21/2022): A make-like build utility for Ruby. [I] dev-ruby/rbs [1] (2.6.0@07/21/2022): Type Signature for Ruby [I] dev-ruby/rdoc [1] (6.4.0@07/21/2022): RDoc produces HTML and online documentation for Ruby projects. [I] dev-ruby/rexml [1] (3.2.5(3)@07/21/2022): REXML is an XML toolkit for Ruby [I] dev-ruby/rss [1] (0.2.9@07/21/2022): RSS reading and writing [I] dev-ruby/rubygems [1] (3.3.18@07/21/2022): Library packaging and distribution for Ruby. [N] dev-ruby/sprockets-rails [1] (3.2.2(3)): Sprockets implementation for Rails 4.x (and beyond) Asset Pipeline [I] dev-ruby/stringio [1] (3.0.2@07/21/2022): Pseudo class from/to . [I] dev-ruby/test-unit [1] (3.5.3(2)@07/21/2022): test-unit [I] dev-ruby/typeprof [1] (0.21.3@07/21/2022): An experimental type-level Ruby interpreter for testing and understanding Ruby code [N] dev-ruby/webrick [1] (1.7.0): HTTP server toolkit [U] dev-ruby/xmlrpc [1] (0.3.1@04/14/2022 -> 0.3.2^t): The Ruby standard library package 'xmlrpc' [I] virtual/ruby-ssl [1] (12@07/21/2022): Virtual ebuild for the Ruby OpenSSL bindings [I] virtual/rubygems [1] (17@07/21/2022): Virtual ebuild for rubygems [1] "ruby-kit" /var/git/meta-repo/kits/ruby-kit